June 08, 2011

Who knew, Thor is actually cool.

It is a refreshing change of pace to watch a Marvel movie about a character that I know very little about. In cross-over’s and one shots, frankly, Thor never impressed me that much. However, I have to say, I really enjoyed the movie, and more importantly, I enjoyed the character. Well, all of them really.
The actors were all really very good. (I only wish they would bring Natalie Portman over to do The Avengers.)

People tell me all the time, that Natalie Portman is a terrible actress. I always follow this ridiculous statement up with a question, “What are you basing that on?” 

You know the answer without me even saying it, don’t you?

I have never once had someone who believes Natalie to be a terrible actress answer anything differently than, “Star Wars.” 

My response? "That's because it is Star Wars." 

Look at every single movie, from A New Hope to Revenge of the Sith, and look at every single actor. They ALL act the same, because it is Star Wars. These are hugely popular and talented actors, all of them. (Yes, even Haden Christensen!)
Are you at all convinced, I mean really convinced, by Mace Windu, Qui-Gonn Jinn, or even Han Solo? I reference their character names because the actors are not really there. The only actors who manage to avoid the self-conscious kind of Star Wars-ish feeling i get from watching Star Wars are Sir Alec Guinness, Kenny Baker and Ray Park.  (Saying Kenny avoided it is kind of a joke, but R2-D2 has, from day 1, been my favorite character. Everything I felt about him from the beginning held true, and I love that Lucas confirmed it to me. R2-D2 always knew what he was doing and always knew what was going on. But why on earth would Lucas make him fly?!?! I gave Lucas the benefit of the doubt with technology going backwards because of the Clone War, but R2 flying was just stupid and completely unexplainable to me.)

Honestly, it is a tone that Star Wars creates. Now, does this mean I don't like the Star Wars movies? On the contrary, I like them very much. My point is simply that they have a certain tone that is very scripted and almost impossible to play. Honestly, I was moved when Padmé said in her final speech to her husband, “You’re breaking my heart.” I get no end of garbage from friends for that, but she is a killer actress.  
I will forever argue the point too, even if she continues to make crap like Your Highness. (to be honest, I am basing that solely on trailers, as I cannot bring myself to see it. Sorry Natalie. I have no doubt you were brilliant in it, even if the movie itself is garbage.) Sheesh, every actor makes a stupid movie every once in a while. They have to pay the bills, too, right?

Thor had some great one-liners, and I am a sucker for a really sharp one-liner, and clever dialog.
Frost Giant: “Run home, little Princess.”
Loki [seeing the look in Thor's eye as he is about to attack]: “Damn.”
Thor: “He’s fine! We drank, we fought… he did his ancestors proud!” 

I hate Agent Coulson, but I understand his role. I just wish he didn’t strike me as being so... flaccid. I can’t explain it any better than that. He just isn’t the S.H.I.E.L.D. type to me. He seems weak and not very bright. 

I love that they put Clint Barton in the movie and it was excellent the way he was handled. When the agent grabbed a bow instead of a gun, it gave me pause, and I thought... just maybe… The lines they gave him and the actors delivery were all excellent.

Hawkeye: “Do you want me to take him down, or would you rather send in more guys for him to beat up?”

Hawkeye: “You’d better call it Coulson, cause I’m starting to root for this guy.”

All classic Hawkeye.

In all, a fun movie and a great introduction to Thor. I couldn’t read him when I was a kid. That was mostly based on having to pick my books because of limited funds, but I also couldn't really get into him. I am so glad they are making these characters more fun and more real. Marvel is doing a great job setting all the characters up for the big Avengers movie. We really have never seen anything like this from Hollywood that I can think of. It is brilliant and fun.

Very funny cameo from Stan Lee as usual.

Bottom line: if you have not yet seen it, it is worth the time spent to see it in a theater.

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