May 24, 2010

Lost is over....

Kind of sad really, but what an ending. Wow. Good thing I am such a manly man, or it would have been like watching M*A*S*H - Goodbye, Farewell and Amen all over again.

I love the way they brought everything full circle and the scenes where everyone remembers both lives were very powerful. Great stuff. I don't have much more to say really, I just had to get that out.

The way they wrapped it all up would have really bugged a whole lot of people. But I thought it worked quite nicely.

Oh, best lines: "I don't believe in a lot of things, but I do believe in duct tape."
and of course: "I saved a bullet for you."

Great entertainment. Now it is time to watch this season of 24. :-)

May 13, 2010

Solid as Iron, Man.

Iron Man 2 is here and I have been looking forward to it for a long time. When I was a kid, I wasn't a huge fan of the Iron Man franchise, and really only read him in The Avengers and later the West Coast Avengers. These movies have brought Iron Man and more specifically, Tony Stark to life for me. See, I really didn't like Stark in the books. But Downey is just such a solid actor and brings a spark to the roll that just wasn't there for me in the books. (I liked the comics better when Rhodes was in the suit, but I know I am in the minority there. Die-hard fans are looking up my address right now.)

Robert Downey, Jr., and Mickey Rourke were perfect and Gwyneth Paltrow as Pepper was great too. I could have done with a little less whining, but she snapped out of it when it mattered.

The Black Widow, (Scarlett Johansson) was boring the snot out of me, until she really kicked it up a notch (yeah, pun intended. It's stupid, I know.) in the end sequence.The fighting was simply out of the park, I can't wait to see more of her in The Avengers. The Black Widow was always cool, but now she is a serious Bad-ass too. (yep, capital 'B'.)

Samuel Jackson.... I like Jackson very much, (his choice of roles I question from time to time) his Nick Fury is good but it is missing something I cannot put my finger on, yet. It might be that I cannot remember him with a big cigar in his mouth, or maybe it is the lack of action up to now. I'll give it more thought as he is set to do Captain America and The Avengers. (Man, that is going to be huge.)

Now, for the smarty-pants saying, "Dude, I saw shakey-cam! Why aren't you complaining about the shaky-cam now?!?" let me answer that by saying, "You just don't get the point."

Let me be clear; Jon Favreau doesn't overuse it and doesn't depend on it, 'nuff said.

Bottom line, it was a great movie with a great script and seriously fun to watch. I love movies that make me smile. Worth every penny. Plus, I think this was the best Stan Lee cameo ever.