April 05, 2010

Clash of the Shakycam

I would really like to know; why do directors feel like they have to prevent us from seeing their films? What are they trying to hide?

I saw the new Clash of the Titans. It was not as good as I was hoping it would be. Certainly not as good as the trailers made it appear. There is really only one reason I can think of for that. It is this piece of popcorn stuck in my gums called the shaky-cam. I hate the shaky-cam.

I suppose it has its place; Saving Private Ryan didn’t overuse this “effect”, but filmmakers so often do. (Read: The Bourne Series) Does anyone really think this makes a film better? SPR, would have still been a great movie without it. The Bourne movies would have been much better without it and Clash would have been too.

Hollywood spent probably millions perfecting the Steadicam, only to turn around 15 years later and not just toss it out the window, but spend more money making it shake in just the right way and even computerize it. Stupid.

I can’t see your movies, guys. I desperately want to see the action and you cover it up with garbage. You spend millions on scenes we can’t properly see.

So, that being said, Clash was an okay movie, but it wasn’t great. The Medusa scenes were the best, (but still not great) either because he stopped relying on his ridiculous “artistic film work” as much or because I started to get used to it. But the majority of the film was lost because of the direction.

Louis, you could have a bright future ahead of you, don’t be afraid to show us your movies. Stop using this rip-off technique; it’s crap. This being your 4th movie I’m willing to give you a chance, but brother, you ruined this movie. All the money you spent on what were possibly brilliant effects, was completely wasted. I couldn’t see anything during the giant scorpion fight, or the fights with Calibos. All I could think about the whole movie was how I couldn’t see the really exciting scenes. It doesn’t put the viewer any closer to the action. I’ll give you one more movie before I boycott you and your blasted directorial “style”. It’s crap right now, move past it, it’s old and cliché.

This is for all Hollywood directors: there is a reason people spent millions of dollars and several years developing the steadicam. It makes watching a movie better because YOU CAN SEE IT. I would love to hear just what you think it brings to a movie. Does anyone really think it ever makes a movie better? It is just distracting to me and everyone I have ever talked to about it. (But you keep making rated R movies too, despite the fact that PG movies make more money.) Your art is just too important, I guess… It’s a shame.

Oh and Natalia, keep up the good work.

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